Lanxess NM60 media

Lanxess NM60 media

Lanxess NM60 is a mixture of strongly acidic and strongly alkaline anionite in a 1:1 ratio. It guarantees effectiveness of water treatment and stability of physico-chemical parameters. The ion exchange resin is used for water demineralisation in industrial processes, demineralisation systems, chemical and photographic laboratories, electronics and automotive industry. Recommended in order to achieve water of considerable purity: it enables reduction of specific conductivity below 0.1 uS/cm. The resin is supplied in a regenerated form and is completely ready for use.

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Purolite MB400 media

Purolite MB400 media

Purolite C100E is a strongly acidic, polystyrene cation exchange resin with a gel structure and strong ion exchange properties. The medium is supplied in a sodium form. Purolite C100E is used in water softening processes and is suitable for both residential and industrial applications. The resin is additionally purified during production, thus it is suitable for use in food installations and wherever contact with food occurs. Its high exchangeability guarantees long working cycles and expected filtration efficiency.

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